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Vaginal Rejuvenation The O-Shot

Conveniently located to serve Portland, Scarborough, and Cumberland County
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Female Vaginal Rejuvenation – The O-Shot

Vaginal rejuvenation doesn’t have to be surgical or complicated. The O-Shot is a natural treatment solution that stimulates healing in the vaginal region, restoring vaginal tissue to improve natural lubrication, enhance sensation and relieve symptoms of urinary incontinence.

The O-Shot®

What does the O-Shot® help?

Women come to the Age Management Center because they are seeking professional support to restore their vaginal region. While our hormone replacement therapies aim to support vaginal rejuvenation and enhance sexual energy and satisfaction, the O-Shot can be an effective treatment solution to help increase sensitivity, vaginal lubrication, strength of orgasm and even address mild stress incontinence.

What is the O-Shot®?

Developed by Dr. Charles Runels, the O-Shot® vagina rejuvenation procedure is an office-based procedure that uses platelet rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate vaginal tissue and enhance sexual response. This procedure has also been found to help with mild stress incontinence.

PRP is blood plasma with a high concentration of platelets and other growth factors. PRP is prepared by drawing blood from a patient and spinning the blood in a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the platelets from the rest of the bloods components. These platelets are retrieved and re-injected back into the selected areas of the patient.

What does the procedure entail?

The procedure is simple, quick and poses minimal risk to the patient as a patient’s own concentrated plasma is simply being reintroduced into their own bodies. The vagina shot is also relatively painless.

The O Shot


The Results

For some women, the results are instantaneous, but for the majority of women it takes several weeks to achieve the full effects. After the procedure, patients can immediately resume normal activities, including their preferred sexual activities.

Although each woman’s O-Shot® experience differs, after rejuvenating the sexual response system, patients often experience:

  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Younger, smoother skin around the vagina
  • A tighter vaginal opening
  • Stronger orgasms
  • More frequent orgasms
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
  • Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Decreased urinary incontinence

In order to provide the highest level of care to our patients, our physicians have undergone special training with Dr. Runels surrounding the procedure. Our physicians also specialize in administering other PRP injection treatments including The Priapus Shot® and The O-Shot.

Book a Free, Confidential Screening

Are you ready to try the O-Shot for yourself? If so, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation at Age Management Center of New England.

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