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It’s time to talk about sex: Sexual wellness means enhanced quality of life for both men & women

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It’s time to talk about sex: Sexual wellness means enhanced quality of life for both men & women

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Around 70% of the women and the vast majority of the men we see have concerns about sexual wellness, libido and sexual performance.

From ED and vaginal laxity to low libido, decreased pelvic floor strength, a lack of sexual desire, pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence, and beyond—these concerns are prolific among patients in their late 30s and older. As we age, natural changes in our body begin to impact aspects of our intimate health, and with it, so many other parts of our wellbeing.

That’s why we have developed dedicated Men’s Sexual Wellness and Women’s Intimate Health programs, to give men and women the chance to open up about and find solutions to their intimate health concerns.

During our consultations, many patients tell us they haven’t felt comfortable discussing their sexual wellness with a primary care doctor, or if they did, they were told it was “normal for their age” and never actually received a plan to “fix the problem.” Patients should feel comfortable talking about their sexual health—and they should know there are solutions available.

Wanting to enjoy sex is natural and getting older shouldn’t change our ability to have healthy, active sex lives.

What’s more, improving one’s intimate health improves one’s self-assurance, wellness and overall enjoyment of life. We also have many patients who report dramatic improvement in their romantic relationships because they feel more confident, comfortable and satisfied with the sexual elements of their relationship.

If you have concerns about any aspect of your sexual wellness, contact us to schedule a free, confidential screening and learn more about the therapies and treatments we have available to you today.