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The biggest weight loss resolution mistakes to avoid this new year

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Couple working out outdoorsIt’s that time of year again, when people start thinking about new year’s resolutions. According to Statista, “Doing more exercise or improving my fitness”, “Losing weight” and “Improving my diet” were among the top four most common resolutions in 2021. It’s understandable. The new year gives us a reason to reflect on where we’d like to be versus where we are. But thinking about being healthy shouldn’t be a once-a-year free for all, rather a year-round exercise. Because a healthy routine shouldn’t be a goal, but a lifestyle.

That said, life can get in the way. Even those with the best intentions can get caught up in long work hours, prioritizing family time, having some fun, and having to forego planned meals for quick, on-the-go options. But in my opinion, the biggest mistakes when it comes to new year’s resolutions are:

  1. Following an unrealistic plan. Don’t go from 0 to 100 with some lifestyle change that you hate from day 1. If it’s unrealistic and unsustainable, you’ll burn out. It’s great to have big ambitions, but focus on attainable milestones, whether it be bringing a healthy lunch to work 4 days a week, getting in some type of exercise—even 20 minutes M-F, or swapping out your favorite guilty pleasure to a healthier version (think light beer instead of a craft brew, making bite-sized rather than full-sized cookies so you still get that sweet taste, with half the calories!). Making a real, healthy change can be gradual and measured so that you actually achieve what you set out to achieve!
  2. Relying on unproven methods or fads and trends. There have been countless diet and exercise fads over the years that aren’t based on any real science, not to mention people out to make a quick buck on products and pills that either do nothing or can even be harmful to your body. Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, managing your stress and ensuring your hormones aren’t working against you are some of the best ways to guarantee you reach your personal objectives.
  3. Going it alone. I know people who share Apple watch alerts with an accountability buddy so they know someone is ‘watching’ and feel more inclined to complete their goals. I also know people who need a partner in crime when it comes to healthy cooking or hitting the gym and having that partner keeps them to a routine. But most of all, I know that having a trained support team that can help evaluate you goals, your plans and your progress, and provide real time, tangible solutions tailor made for you, is going to be one of the most powerful ways to not only achieve but maintain your goals. Don’t try and go it alone.
  4. Thinking a slip-up means it’s better to just wait and try again next year. Falling off the wagon with your wellness routine doesn’t mean it’s time to quit altogether. It’s just a reminder to jump back up and get back on the path you were traveling.

So, this year, set your goals—and dream big—but don’t fall into these common pitfalls of new year’s resolutions! And if you want help, contact us today to learn more about our Healthy Lifestyle Program that was designed specifically to support men and women with individualized plans to achieve your wellness goals.