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Are women “suffering enough” to get treatment?

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Published by: Age Management Center

“In the U.S., an estimated 6,000 women daily and more than 2 million women yearly reach menopause. With an average life expectancy of 81, women are spending greater than one-third of their lives in menopause.” Mayo Clinic

Menopause is a natural progression in women’s lives, yet to this day, the majority of women suffer through the effects and symptoms of menopause without support.

Our Anita Nicholson, NP, was called upon by one of the UK’s most prominent menopause practitioners, Dr. Louise Newson, to share her experience and expertise on menopause care and testosterone replacement for women here at the Age Management Center.

“There’s nothing else in medicine in my knowledge…where we have an evidence-based treatment that is not given to the majority of people that are suffering from the condition.” – Dr. Louise Newson

During the interview on the 250th episode of The Dr. Louise Newson Podcast, Dr. Louise and Anita discuss testosterone therapy in the UK vs. the US and share their experience regarding the myriad benefits testosterone can provide women.

They explore how in the UK only about 14% of women who are menopausal take hormones, and in the US, it’s “maybe 10%, or less”.

“For centuries women have been ignored…” said Dr. Newson. But there are therapies, including testosterone replacement, to help women combat the natural decline of hormones that occurs with the menopause transition. The problem is, hormone replacement and dedicated menopause care aren’t a focus in traditional medicine, and therefore aren’t addressed in most office visits, unless you know where to go. As a result, most women don’t seek support, and for those that do, they are regularly told it’s a normal part of aging and are told to try an anti-depressant.

“It’s often quite subtle changes that often come on quite gradually and the more we learn and know about physiology of our hormones, how our hormones—estrogen, progesterone and testosterone—can light up our brains it actually blew my mind at first. When I realized this, I felt really cheated as a woman who has had this biologically active hormone in my body at higher levels when I was younger… But also as a clinician. Why didn’t anyone tell me that women had testosterone and it has this affect? And then as a menopause specialist I’ve also felt cheated because whenever I’ve gone to presentations about testosterone or educational events, it’s always been testosterone for women who are severely psychologically distressed with their reduced libido and then they consider testosterone. No one’s been talking about all the other biological effects that testosterone has…” said Dr. Louise Newson during the podcast.

What are those effects? The benefits of testosterone in women include:

  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved bone density
  • Relief from depression and anxiety
  • Increased muscle mass and bone density
  • Decreased soft fatty tissue
  • Improved skin quality
  • Increased concentration and memory
  • Improved libido, sexual function and sexual satisfaction
  • Enhanced cognitive clarity and performance
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Improved mood
  • Enhanced overall well-being

For decades we’ve specialized in helping individuals replace and optimize their hormones, including countless women who have come to us at all stages of the menopause transition. One thing we know, is that suffering isn’t inevitable.

If you’ve been suffering through menopause, there is help available. Schedule your free menopause hormone screening today and let us help you enhance your journey, your health, and your quality of life.