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How to Stay Healthy This Winter

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‘Tis the season for sniffles and soup, but there are ways to fight off the classic winter cold!

With dropping temperatures and co-workers calling out sick, catching a cold can seem inevitable during the winter months. However, there are steps you can take to arm your body with nutrition and vitamins it needs to fight off sickness. Here are some tips to keep you healthy during the snowy season:

  1. Keep hand sanitizer close by. With sick friends and coworkers aplenty, it can be hard to avoid germs. When used effectively, hand sanitizer can be an excellent alternative to hand washing.
  2. Take a daily multivitamin. Keep your body fighting by providing it with the highest-quality vitamins and supplements. A common vitamin we recommend to our patients during winter is Viracid, which helps boost immune defenses by providing nutrients such as L-lysine vitamin A, C, pantothenic acid, B12 and zinc.
  3. Get a massage. According to recent studies, massage therapy can help to strengthen the immune system, which can help ward off the common cold and flu.
  4. Incorporate Omega 3 Fatty Acids into your diet. Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a healthy fat that is naturally found in many nutritious foods, such as fish, plant seeds and nuts. They are a natural anti-inflammatory and have been shown to reduce joint stiffness.
  5. It seems obvious, but regular exercise keeps you and your immune system strong. Too cold for a run? Workout at home! There are lots of online videos and resources to help you get your body moving.
  6. Get your rest. As tempting as it is to snuggle up and binge watch your favorite Netflix show, your body needs its rest in order to properly fight against the cold or flu. All the vitamins and supplements go to waste if you body is too tired to use them.
  7. No touching! This final bullet can be the most crucial to keep you healthy this winter. Be alert when touching handrails, doorknobs…and just about everything else. Avoid spreading other people’s germs to yourself by using paper towels to touch common area spaces, and don’t forget our #1 tip – use hand sanitizer after!

If you follow these top tips, you will be well on your way to a healthy, flu-free winter. If you do feel under the weather, talk to the clinical team at Age Management Center of New England about what vitamins can help fight off oncoming colds. As always, our consultations are complimentary. Give us a call today!